1 minute read

Date: 2021-11-11 16:44:42 +0800

Just some additional points to note further to the earlier article on the deliverables required of the Final Presentation.

Key Deadlines for deliverables submission:

Project Report, Video, Poster Saturday, 27 November 2021, 11:59pm
Mode of submission eLearn@SMU/Assignments
Presentation slides 2 December 2021, 9.00am

For the presentation slides, you can send them via email together with a reminder of the zoom invite.


As in the earlier post.


The target audience are external parties. They could be potential clients and investors. Don’t just describe the functions of the system. You should try to highlight key differentiating points over competitors, benefits to clients, technologies used, where it can be applicable, etc. Also, it would be good to include credits (ie,names of your team members) so that it can be used for your future career portfolio.

Final Report

There has been some confusion over format of this report. This sample TOC may make the picture clearer:

Executive Summary
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
A.1     Requirements Specs Document
A.2     Technical Design Document
A.3     Test Specifications/Results
A.4     Project Closure Document
A.5     References

So the Final Report is a separate document that you need to produce and submit for grading. It should not exceed 50 pages (excluding Annexes) and should summarise the key points of the individual documents in the Annexes.

Project Closure

Project is an important phase of Project Management. Look at

Project Closure

In particular, your Final Report should describe the activities you undertake in STEP 5 of the above article.

Peer Review

Note that you need to do a Peer Review. I will be emailing you a Word Doc to fill up. Please complete it and send it back to me latest 27 Nov, 11:59pm. The instructions inside should be self-explanatory.