3 minute read

Date: 2021-10-27 16:44:42 +0800

Let me share with you some expectations as we move towards the end of the term.

One important point to note is that all the deliverables must be based on the team’s effort. You are note allowed to outsource to third parties, especially for poster creation and video production.

Key Deadlines for deliverables submission:

Project Report, Video, Poster Saturday, 27 November 2021, 11:59pm
Presentation slides 2 December 2021, 9.00am
Mode of submission eLearn@SMU


The poster contributes 5% to the overall grade marks. The guidelines given are scant, so it is up to the team to be creative and wow the graders in the process. There is no need to physically print out the poster this time round due to obvious COVID-19 reasons. Here are some ideas which may help:

  1. When doing the design, make sure that it can be printed as an A1 poster.
  2. It should have the wow factor. Think of some creative design. The focus should be on the special features that your product (system) possesses. How is it different from the competition? What are the key benefits?
  3. Do not try to put every point into the poster. There is limited space. Just pick one key benefit to focus on and maybe another one or two more as a secondary info.
  4. Do more than required to stand out. Eg, you could replicate the poster as an online resource as well with links to further info (eg, video)
  5. Good to get feedback/approval from sponsor.


Again 5% towards the overall grade marks. It is a 1 minute video. Think creatively - you can take a leaf from the Tiktok book 😃. Some pointers:

  1. Punchy, creative, elevator pitch.
  2. Can include photos and testimonials/interview from/with sponsor - eg, during UAT session.
  3. Think of a catchy theme/phrase. Maybe a defining animated logo will help.
  4. Ensure the mood is appropriate to the theme.

Final Presentation (Report)

You need to submit a project report. This report should be up to 50 pages long, including diagrams, pictures, etc. Some pointers: Annexes do not count towards the page count.

  1. It is a summary of the documents you created as part of the project: Requirements Document, Design document, Test Specs and results, User Guides, Project Closing Report. These main/detailed documents can be attached as annexes to the project report.
  2. Include an Executive summary consisting of 3-4 paragraphs and Table of Contents.
  3. It should try to address the points relating to the track specific items mentioned in the rubrics.
  4. The Project Closure document is quite important. It should be a wrap up to the project and can contain the following:
    1. Project performance, eg, planned vs actual, quality (bugs metrics), customer satisfaction, etc.
    2. Challenges in delivering the project
    3. Lessons learnt: which aspects could be done differently.
    4. Outstanding issues/matters, including what follow up actions can be done.

Final Presentation (Presentation)

The format will be similar to the mid-term presentation session. If you are getting your sponsors to attend, please have a discussion beforehand to settle outstanding matters so that these will not be brought up during the session. Also refer to the feedback I gave earlier.

Final Presentation (Demo)

  1. If possible, do a live demo - it is more effective and interactive.
  2. Good to have an agenda for demo and regularly update on the part of demo vis-a-vis the whole system (eg user stories)
  3. As the demo this time round will be more detailed and longer, it would be good to have more than one person doing the demo. For example different people can take on different modules so as to illustrate real-life scenarios, eg, Staff module vs Customer module.
  4. Learn what the user actual does during UAT so as to replicate during the demo.
  5. Don’t just navigate. Explain the results/importance of the screens. Explain the theory behind the results/interpretation.
  6. Focus on key functionalities and skip/rush through generic modules like logins.