3 minute read

Date: 2021-10-13 16:44:42 +0800

Everyone did a good job for the presentation. Here are some of my observations.

Some of you were able to get your sponsors to attend. This is a indication of your good relation with your sponsor. However, it is a double-edged sword. The role of the sponsor in the presentation is as an observer. If during the session, the sponsor starts to ask questions, it could be a reflection of poor prior communication. If possible, always check with your sponsors before any major meetings and clarify everything (especially the objectives) beforehand. On the other hand, if your sponsor puts in good words to support your presentation, then it is a plus point.


Everyone PM must understand the constraints of the PM Triangle.

PM Triangle

If any of the attributes change, then one or both of the other attributes will likely have to be scaled accordingly. For instance, if new functions need to be added to the system (SCOPE), then either more effort needs to be put in (RESOURCES) or the project deadline needs to be extended (SCHEDULE) or both. Or if the deadline needs to be move earlier (SCHEDULE), then you either cut the SCOPE or put in more RESOURCES to do the work or both.

It is therefore important to baseline all functional requirements (formal signoff). If there is a change, then you need to highlight the necessity to re-balance the triangle or to remain status quo. As you can see, the top reasons all relate to scope change.

Understand Priorities

There is a purpose why the rubrics are made known to students. Take advantage - read through to find out where the key priorities are. Structure your presentation according to what is required - it would make it easier for the evaluator to assess. The grading scheme also tells you how much time of the presentation to spend on each topic. For instance, if demo is 10 marks, then you should be spending around 3 minutes on demo. If you spend over 15 minutes on the demo, then you will likely lose marks on the other topics. Also, all topics must be covered. For example, testing is 10 marks and if you leave it out completely (maybe testing will be started later in the schedule) then precious marks will be lost.


Demos well executed can make a big difference. A live demo is definitely more impactful than just playing a video. However to do this well, it needs to be rehearsed well as unexpected events may disrupt the whole plan. Make sure you have a backup plan, eg, keep a video recording as a contingency, standalone demo instead of online, screen captures, etc.

Make sure the demo can be seen clearly by the audience. For example, mobile screens may be too small. You can consider magnifying the screen to show just the important portion of screen. Script you demo well. There is no need to show all the flow from beginning to end. Zoom in on the key functions of your system - eg, there is no need to dwell on the login screen as everyone is familiar with what it is.


Not everyone can speak well in a formal setting, but this is still a critical skill to possess. You don’t need to be an expert, but everyone should attempt to improve - like all other things, it comes with practice. Show that you are confident while speaking - make an effort to speak louder if you are not that type. Be natural. In a team presentation, everyone needs to have a speaking slot, but there is nothing preventing the team from nominating the more articulate among you to take a more prominent role in the presentation and divert focus to the less articulate. Leveraging the strengths of each individual in a team will lead to better results.

The slides in the presentation is there to prompt you on the content to present and not as a verbatim read-along. That is another reason why convention dictates that slides should not have more than 6 lines with large fonts. Do not read the sldies - take them as cues to speak naturally.

Planning - show details in all stages

Project management entails planning, executing and reviewing. There is a tendency for technical people to delve straight into action in the hope of quickly delivering the results. However, it is always better to spend sufficient time to plan before execution. Think through properly on the overall design of the system before starting the coding and make changes subsequently. This is another reason why building a house requires an architect before bringing in the builders.