1 minute read

Date: 2021-09-06 16:44:42 +0800

Hi all. It is Week 4 now. The mid term presentation will be coming up soon. As you can see, this module is not just focusing on the technical aspects of IT. The softer skills in Project Management (PM) also play an important role. Yes, there is a lot of documentation involved, but hopefully you understand this is part of real life working in career. Documentation need not be verbose - it should be sufficiently succinct to achieve its objectives.


As you can see, testing flows directly from requirements - you test to verify that the requirements have been met. There are many levels and dimensions to testing. A good classification can be found here:

[The different types of testing in software Atlassian](https://www.atlassian.com/continuous-delivery/software-testing/types-of-software-testing)

As shared with you, minimally you need to carry out 2 sets of testing.

System Testing

Sometimes called string test, end-to-end testing, functional testing, etc. The objective is to ensure quality assurance before a system is shipped out to the users. This phase is carried out by the project team so as to ensure that bugs/issues are ironed out before handing the system over to users for further testing. Before testing begins, the test specs have to be produced - usually derived from the requirements specs so as to ensure traceability. Bugs need to be tracked and retesting to be done as necessary.

You can find a sample test case/specs here: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0ByI5-ZLwpo25eXFlcU5ZMTJsT28

User Acceptance Testing

In this phase, the users will test out the system to determine the acceptance of the system. Ideally, the user should be creating his/her own test scenarios and specifications and then run through the tests cases. In reality, it is not unusual for the user to use the system test specs as a base to build upon his/her own cases. The process of testing the robustness of the system is similar.


Some deliverables in the testing phase include:

  • Test Plan
  • Test Schedule
  • Test Specifications
  • Test Tracking/Metrics/Results
  • Test Traceability Matrix
  • Automated Test scripts
  • Test Logistics

The quality of a system can be measured by the number of errors uncovered during the 2 phases.