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Requirements Catalogue

Earlier I mentioned the need for a requirements catalogue. This document can go by different names. The purpose is to minimise disputes during the system acceptance stage. An expansion of this would be the Traceability Matrix which allows mapping from test specs, module specs and functional specs to the requirements. It can be a checklist for user signoff.

A good introduction to this concept can be found here:

What is Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)? Example Template (guru99.com)

I have also placed a sample template in the shared folder. The minimum required would be the info in the Requirements Information column.

Requirements Catalogue Template

Requirements Gathering

Before the Requirements Catalogue can be produced, the requirements need to be fully gathered. This is an interesting article to read.

10 Steps To Successful Requirements Gathering

  1. Don’t just document normal flow. You need to ask questions on what the except flows are to make the system complete.
  2. Find out the functional as well as non-functional (eg security) requirements.
  3. Do some research on the user domain before the interview.
  4. List Does Not Include (DNI) items
  5. Priortise the requirements