1 minute read

Date: 2021-08-23 16:44:42 +0800

Hi all. Nice to have met all of you. I hope to connect with you more through this means and make the engagement this term more fruitful and beneficial throughout. Hope it can be sustained. 😃

Last week, I had face-to-face meetings with all of you (albeit virtually via zoom). I just want to summarise some of the points we discussed.

Key points to note:

  • Don’t be too ambitious in the deliverables
  • Focus on project management matters - not just technical content
  • Cover breadth rather than depth
  • Cover the full lifecycle of project
  • Refer to the key documentation list required
  • Contact me directly if you need guidance in any way.

Other Matters

  1. Some of you may be concerned that your projects are unique and that they cannot fit into the traditional IT project life cycle. Regardless, the definition of a project is that it must have a start and end. Just make sure you are clear on your deliverables (in concurrence with your sponsor) and deliver then according to what you planned.
  2. The documentation I listed are there to ensure project success. The requirements catalogue is to ensure that there are no disputes during final signoff. The security document is to ensure the “Security by Design” principle. So give some thought to them.
  3. For those doing projects on Analytics, please ensure that you can get the test/training data early. Without data, it would be difficult to set up the acceptance criteria.

Moving Ahead

  1. I will be contacting your sponsors to ensure they have the right expectations on the project. If you have further points you need me to bring across to them, let me know early.

  2. As mentioned, I’m in the process of arranging for an seasoned IT professional to share industry experience with you. If there are areas you would like to know more, I will try my best to arrange.

That’s all. Please don’t forget to send me your progress reports.